9.1 based on 7663 reviews

Telephone, Internet & Television cancellation

Easy and guaranteed cancellation

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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

Easy and guaranteed cancellation

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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

Easy and guaranteed cancellation

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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

100% Cancellation Guarantee

9.1 based on 7663 reviews


9.1 based on 7663 reviews


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Sometimes a phone, internet & TV provider just doesn't suit you anymore. The costs are too high, the terms and conditions are not what you want or you are no longer satisfied with the service. Reasons enough to switch to a provider that suits you better. But remember to cancel your old subscription, otherwise you will be charged twice. Here you can easily cancel your old subscription, so you can be sure you are paying the right amount!

On this page

Most cancelled Telephone, Internet & TV subscriptions via Opzeggen.nl
How to cancel your Telephone, Internet & TV contract?
Useful information for canceling a Telephone, Internet & TV
This is how you terminate a contract through Opzeggen.nl

Most cancelled Telephone, Internet & TV subscriptions via Opzeggen.nl

You can cancel a telephone, internet & TV subscription via Opzeggen.nl. Because many people use our cancellation service, we can tell you what the most cancelled subscriptions are. Below, we have listed them for you.


KPN is one of the biggest telecommunications providers in the Netherlands, offering mobile phone, internet, and television services. If you wish to cancel your subscription with KPN, it's important to follow the proper procedures. Domain can assist you in the cancellation process, providing step-by-step guidance and even sending the cancellation letter on your behalf. This ensures that your subscription is canceled without any issues, saving you the hassle of contacting KPN yourself.

Cancel KPN →


VodafoneZiggo is a major telecommunications provider in the Netherlands, offering mobile phone, internet, and television services to its subscribers. If you are a VodafoneZiggo customer and wish to cancel your subscription, it's important to follow the correct procedures. Domain can assist you with the cancellation process, providing a clear and easy-to-follow guide and even sending the cancellation letter on your behalf. This allows you to avoid the inconvenience of contacting VodafoneZiggo yourself and ensures that your subscription is canceled smoothly.

Cancel Vodafone Ziggo →


T-Mobile is a leading telecommunications provider in the Netherlands, offering mobile phone, internet, and television services. If you need to cancel your subscription with T-Mobile, Domain can assist you in the process. Our platform provides clear and easy-to-follow steps to cancel your subscription, and we can even send the cancellation letter on your behalf. This ensures that your subscription is canceled without any hassle or complications.

Cancel T-Mobile →


Tele2 is a telecommunications provider in the Netherlands that offers mobile phone, internet, and television services. If you're a Tele2 subscriber and wish to cancel your subscription, it's important to follow the correct procedures. Domain can guide you through the cancellation process, providing step-by-step instructions and sending the cancellation letter on your behalf. This way, you can avoid the hassle of contacting Tele2 yourself and ensure that your subscription is canceled without any issues.

Cancel Tele2 →


Online.nl is a Dutch internet and television provider, offering a range of packages to customers across the country. If you wish to cancel your subscription with Online.nl, it's important to follow the correct procedures to avoid any issues. Domain can guide you through the cancellation process, providing clear instructions and even sending the cancellation letter on your behalf. This ensures that your subscription is canceled smoothly and without any complications.

Cancel Online.nl →

How to cancel your Telephone, Internet & TV contract?

By default, an Internet & TV contract runs for 1 year and you can only cancel at the end of this period, taking into account a notice period of at least 1 month.

After the agreed period, you can usually cancel at any time, and you often also have to consider a notice period of 1 (calendar) month.

If you have a direct debit in progress, it will stop when you cancel.

How to cancel your mobile telephony contract?

In most cases, you enter into a contract for a certain period of 1 or 2 years. It is not possible to cancel within this period. After the agreed period, your contract will automatically be converted into a subscription for an indefinite period. After this, you can cancel at any time, considering a notice period of 1 month (in most cases).

If you do not want the contract to be extended automatically, you must inform your supplier of your cancellation no later than 1 month before the due date.

Useful information for canceling a Telephone, Internet & TV

Shipping Service

You can also use our easy shipping service. We will send your cancellation letter and you will receive a confirmation from us by e-mail with a copy of your cancellation letter. So it couldn't be easier.

Check the running time

Check whether the term of your contract has expired. Most providers use a term of 1 year when concluding the contract. After that, the contract can be canceled per month.

This is how you terminate a contract through Opzeggen.nl

Do you want to cancel Your contract? You can do that via Opzeggen.nl. When you cancel your subscription via our website, it will cost you little time and effort. Below, you can read how to use Opzeggen.nl in 6 steps.

Step 1: Find the organization you want to cancel.

Cancelling a subscription via Opzeggen.nl starts with finding the right organization. To complete this, simply type the name of the organization You're looking for in the search field on the Homepage. Does the name appear on the screen? Click on it, and You will be redirected to the correct page.

Step 2: Fill in your details

As soon as you have landed on the right page of the organization You're looking for, enter your details in the template on the left side. To be able to cancel your contract, You need to fill out the required fields in the template. At least your name, address, postal code, place of residence, date of birth and e-mail address.

Step 3: Whether or not to delete personal data?

Below the fields with data you can select the box 'Delete my personal information'. If you choose this option, Opzeggen.nl will include a request to delete personal data in the cancellation letter.

Step 4: Choose a shipping method

In some organizations, you can only cancel via standard shipping or a registered letter, but occasionally, you can also decide from one of the two options. Do you opt for a registered letter? Then you benefit from the Opzeggen.nl 100% cancellation guarantee.

Step 5: Sign your cancellation letter

After you have completed the above four steps, your cancellation letter is ready. It is now only a matter of signing it. To do this, click in the box containing the blue pencil, under "Sincerely." A window will then appear in which you can add your signature.

Step 6: Send your cancellation letter

Do you use Opzeggen.nl sending service? Then click on 'Send my cancellation' after you have completed all the steps. If you want to send the cancellation letter yourself, click on the download symbol at the bottom right of the letter. You can download your cancellation letter for free. In that case, please keep in mind that you are responsible for sending the letter. Moreover, you will not benefit from our 100% cancellation guarantee if you do not use our service.

Here's how our customers feel about us

We have processed 4.421.562 cancellations. Read some testimonials from our users here


Jullie hebben het snel geregeld, via vriendenloterij zelf is een ramp. Jammer dat je voor het opzeggen via jullie het moet regelen en daar dan geld aan moet uitgeven. Vriendenloterij zou het beter en makkelijker moeten regelen.

Carla , Terneuzen



Geen zorgen, was goed verlopen

Frans , Erkamp



Jullie hebben het snel geregeld, via vriendenloterij zelf is een ramp. Jammer dat je voor het opzeggen via jullie het moet regelen en daar dan geld aan moet uitgeven. Vriendenloterij zou het beter en makkelijker moeten regelen.

Carla , Terneuzen



Geen zorgen, was goed verlopen

Frans , Erkamp



wordt netjes geregeld, dit was de tweede keer en is weer goed bevallen!!

martha , De Cocksdorp


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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

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16.574 cancellations in the past 30 days - 4.421.562 total cancellations

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